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2019 brought about a greater sense of exploration both in media, process, and overall themes in my work. Heartburn (or Envious Indigestion) was a culmination of many ideas and aesthetics explored in previous geometric abstract work. Other works focused on a more conceptual presentation of love and connection themes through text, minimal geometry, and mark making. My works on paper, this year, allowed for more fluidity in process. These works also continued my use of text in poetic wordplay and text as image but also a new exploration of story-telling. 

2018-2019: Text
2018-2019: Work


My painting practice, after just moving to the Washington D.C. area, focused more closely on canvas as body and reflection of the body. These abstract works acted as presentation of emotion and how it rests and feels in the body as well as interact between bodies (internally and externally). Additionally I started to play with hanging heights and orientations including hanging two canvases on opposite walls (untitled (two), 2018), and hanging a canvas at waist height (Butterflies to locusts (in the stomach), 2018). 

2018-2019: Text
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